
Nita Batta, Inc. is a female, minority owned Corporation that strives to normalize mental health through coaching both on a personal and systemic level by consulting with individuals, teams and leadership circles. In the rapidly changing world, we help initiate new and innovative ways to ensure employee satisfaction by examining the current feedback loop and building its effectiveness. Through deep conversations we work to identify and brand company culture traits to attract and retain optimal talent.


Coaching is a chance to level up performance. If you work for an organization and you have access to a coach, that means that the organization has invested in you highlighting care and compassion and cultivating a culture of appreciation which has shown to increase motivation and ouput. 

emerging leaders
A shared mindset to successfully engage your team has been shown to boost morale, motivation and company output as opposed to vision and followership. Employees want to go to a workplace that represents their community, leaders who understand that build places that are more inspiring and productive because we benefit from diversity. Together, we conduct a needs assessment and learn how to lean into the differences.

leadership training and development
Leadership empowerment makes space for others to grow such as when we create an opportunity to build empathy skills. Inclusion is using your platform to give another person the chance to shine. If you truly believe that everyone should have an equal opportunity to thrive, practice is being inclusive in every moment. This positivity can be infectious particularly when you take it from personal to systemic.

“She understands how challenging seeking help can be for a community that has previously ignored mental health.”