community. curiosity. clarity.

coaching as a catalyst for change

Welcome to Nita Batta, Inc. As a trained social worker, Nita and the team’s background is extremely helpful with the perspective to see human behavior at a deeper level and understanding the “why” behind people’s actions.

We begin with unveiling biases through self-reflection prompts and analysis among teams. By building self awareness, we gain insight into relationship awareness where the work of feedback and impact analysis is conducted with Nita and the team. Providing access to the power of choice in how we “show up” is a crucial element in fostering autonomy, motivation, and a sense of ownership of our choices for improved problem solving and greater satisfactory outcomes.

We offer a collaborative approach with the intention of building a coalition with each other. By creating trust and rapport, we begin to inform your perspectives and gain access to the tools to navigate an ongoing authentic version of yourself and interactions with your team.

"Everyone has a history.
What you do with it is up to you.
Some repeat it. Some learn from it.
The really special ones use it to help others."